Adam and Service Dog Atlas

Adam joined the U.S. Army when he was 18-years old. During his years of service, Adam deployed to Kosovo (2000), Iraq (2005-2006) and Afghanistan (2008-2009).
Traumatic experiences he endured range from engaging the enemy, losing close friends to war and also surviving an Improvised Explosive Devise blast as well as surviving a 107mm rocket attack that ultimately caused Traumatic Brain Injury.

Adam is a survivor and copes daily with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as well as TBI.

It was in October 2011 when Adam was matched with Atlas. Atlas provides Mike with peace of mind particularly at night. “He has started to provide me some relief while I am at home, especially at night while I’m asleep. I know that he is there and that he is on guard and will not let anything happen to me or if I start to have a nightmare, eh will sense it and wake me with a gentle nudge.”

He is encouraged by the positive affect Atlas has had already. “I am sure that more benefits are still to come.”

Mike said that having a service dog provides relief from his PTSD and TBI symptoms but also gives him a sense of security for him and his wife.

“I would highly recommend this type of therapy (having a service dog) to any Vet that suffers from the same problems I currently suffer from,” said Adam.